CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

SEWA-Community Service with a Purpose

July 24 2024

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”  – Oscar Wilde.

Service is regarded as the most important of all duties. At Shishukunj International, we are committed to nurturing students who are compassionate and capable of making meaningful contributions to society. Through our Social Outreach Programme, our young students collaborate with nearby Government schools such as Solsinda and Badodiya Ema, providing academic and sports support to the students there. Shishyans engage in activities such as interacting, conducting quizzes, and exchanging learning experiences. The purpose of these service visits is to cultivate resilience, strength, and empathy in Shishyans towards the community members.

In line with SEWA, volunteers from Class IX paid a visit to the Government Middle School situated in Solsinda on July 24, 2024, to launch their community service campaign for the new session. They interacted with underprivileged children to assess their life aspirations, academic goals, and enthusiasm for sports. Shishyans distributed sports articles, a first aid kit, hygiene products, books, stationery kits, and other essentials to those in need. Additionally, they encouraged the children to maintain healthy habits and ensure cleanliness in their surroundings.
