CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254


March 18 2024

‘They read and wrote and tried everything with their might. They counted numbers many times, and learned to colour inside the lines. Today all of their hard work should be celebrated!’

March 18, 2024 stood witness to the Blooming Ceremony for our Senior KG, etching the significant transition in their learning journey, as they moved forward from Kindergarten, treading courageously onto the larger realm of primary education. It was a celebration of growth, learning and friendships.

It was indeed a momentous day that was filled with a blend of emotions, joy, anticipation, reminiscence, and above all, immense pride in our hearts.

There was no stone left unturned to make it a jubilant and memorable day for our blooming buds. The children were elated to don the hats of the colour representing their class names.

The proud Shishyans sang a beautiful song for their teachers who played an indelible part in their journey so far. They were infused with new vigour as their mother teachers showered them with words of praises. The students were surprised and ecstatic upon receiving a certificate and a small token of appreciation in the form of an activity based learning book from members of the school management, the Principal and school heads.

To reciprocate the love received from their students, the teachers of the Pre-primary sang heartwarming melodies to show their deep affection for their little Shishyans.

A group of eleven students who have been a part of our school since their Nursery days, were felicitated with a ‘Special Bloom’ badge. To conclude the ceremony on a nostalgic note, the students watched a video that captured vivid moments of their time spent in Senior KG. It was an eventful year indeed!
