Author: Samaira Khandelwal, Class VI F
My sister is the best,
She likes to take rest.
She’s a cutie with a lot of beauty,
She is a piece of my heart,
A part of my life.
Even though I am elder,
We’ll always be best friends.
Her smile is full of glory,
She’s very naughty.
She’s so small,
That she can’t even crawl.
I love to be with her,
All my troubles run away,
She’s the loveliest sister in the world.
She’s so soft to cuddle,
With her I love to snuggle,
She fills me to the brim with joy,
And she sometimes also annoys.
I know, most of the time,
It’ll be me versus you.
We’ll always argue.
But, I will always be there for you!!