CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Life’s surprises!

By Nitya Vyas, Class IX B

Walking along a long path
To reach home, sweet home,
I had just begun to walk
Still had a long way to go.
But, walking carefree, as I was,
Crumpling dried maple leaves
Under my foot, and not caring,
I walked unknown to what lay
Hidden under the leaves.
A stone hidden below, hurt my foot, it pained.

Walking the path,
My leg did hurt for a while.
Gradually, it stopped, making me realize;
What life has in store for you
Never should you judge.
For you never know, when out of the blue
life would just like the stone,
Take you by surprise!