CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254


Stuti Kasat, Class VI F

Grandpa is in my feelings
The special moments in my life’s innings.
With him I was at the top,
He always made me rock and pop.
He taught me lessons to move forward,
Quality of truth, love and kindness.
My life has a terrible part,
When fate took him apart.

Kalp Salvi, Class VI E

My best friend is my Grandpa
His best friend am I.
When we hike in the woods together,
I see things he doesn’t see.
We whisper and we listen,
To the forest old and wise.
Grandpa knows the birds’ songs,
And I am grandpa’s eyes.

Chris Thomas, Class VI E

My grandfather is Mr P C Joseph,
My mother’s father is he.
Kind, hardworking and ever courteous,
Are words that describe him well.
Even though he is approaching 70,
He keeps himself fit and active.
His generosity never fails to amaze me,
And I am inspired to consider him my role model.