CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Winter Mornings

Author: Asmi Kumat, Class VII E

Sneezing, freezing I get up in the winters
I wear socks and jacket and see off myself like beginners

I feel pity for myself
As I could not sleep for long
Seeing others enjoying themselves
A pretty deep slumber along

I go to drink milk
In the balcony where I could get cold,
Could get sneezing sick
which could get uncontrolled

But I refuse to leave that place
As there I feel bonded with nature’s face

All those green leaves, beautiful flowers and sunshine
Reading newspaper and passing my time

Looking at those playful birds
But must say more peaceful squirrels
Playing the game – “Who gets the food faster” with birds
Whereas the other participants quarrel

But alas!
Here ends my joyous winter morn
I will always look forward to it
for my life to adorn.