CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Name and Fame

Author: Anora Ankur Kulin, Class IX F

A crook robbed a bank,

The handcuffs went clank.

He was locked in jail,

Waiting to be released on bail.

While he was behind bars,

He thought he saw Mars.

He begged for forgiveness,

But received no kindness.

And while he perished,

He dreamt what he cherished.

In his dream,

He ate cookies and cream.

When he was finally out of the gaol,

Determined to be a new man,

Off to the nearest job he ran.

As the day ended,

He had enough money

To buy himself honey.

Never did he indulge again

In deeds that put a stain

Upon his name,

Against his fame.