CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254


Author: Avani Shrivastava, Class VI B

Sun, friends, food and sea,

Sounds like summer to me,


Down the sun, in the sand, by the beach,

No studies, no homework, no one to teach,


In the sun, on the mat, by the shore,

Only silence, not a word, not a roar,


Through the blue and clear skies,

Such wonderful shapes, oh my, my!


Even through the exhausting dusk and dawn,

I never get tired, not a single yawn,


Beyond the beautiful and crystal-clear waves,

Do you ever see the moments of joy that memory saves?


Sun, friends, food and sea,

Sounds like summer to me!