CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

The Barn-Saver

Shrey Modi, Class VII F

Porter Pig was a very famous pig on farms all across the world. Not only could he lift a barn above his head, but he also had the best snout that anyone had ever seen. Porter Pig was the best at sniffing out trouble. He could smell trouble from fifty miles away. Whenever Porter Pig found trouble, he was always able to fix the problem and make everything okay. Farmers all over the world asked to see Porter Pig, hoping that they would be able to use his strength and snout to make their farm peaceful. One day, on a farm in the south, Porter Pig was sniffing for trouble when he smelled the worst smell he could ever imagine. Porter Pig rushed over to the barn where the smell was very strong. He lifted up the huge barn above his head, and there it was staring right into his eyes. Porter Pig had never seen anything like this before.
The story continued…
He saw a large insect like thing which was eating grains. Porter Pig tried to scare it off but the insect bit Porter Pig. So, Porter Pig got poisoned and was hospitalized for a week. After a week, Porter Pig started searching for ways to decrease the size of the insect and the insect kept intruding barns and eating grains. One day Porter Pig met an old sage. The sage asked him, “What problem do you have?” Porter Pig told him the problem.
The sage told Porter Pig about a precious stone that could be found on the Mount Everest peak. If Porter Pig could bring that stone, the sage could make a potion out of it to decrease the insect’s size.
So, Porter Pig set out on the journey to the peak of Mount Everest. On the way, he faced many difficulties. At last he reached the peak. There was a temple made of gold which contained a god’s statue and the stone in the temple was guarded by a yeti.
Porter Pig couldn’t defeat the yeti but then he remembered that he had the poison of the insect that the doctor had given him. Porter Pig defeated the yeti using the poison. He got the stone and returned to the sage.
The sage immediately made the potion using that stone. Now, Porter Pig had to make the insect consume that potion. He had an idea. He sprinkled the potion on the world’s largest barn and hid there.

After a week or two, the insect came and started eating the grains from that barn. Very soon the potion started acting and the insect became small. So small that Porter Pig could crush it to death. After that, everybody praised Porter Pig and the sage and Porter Pig got the title of ‘Barn Saver’!