Jahnavi Shah, Class XII C
93, Mangalam Residency
Vijay Nagar
March 19, 2016
The Editor
The Indore Times
Subject: Regarding the increasing noise pollution in the city
I am a student and I am writing this letter to express my concern over the increased noise pollution levels in the city. The growing noise pollution is a big nuisance to the old as well as the young and is responsible for adversely affecting mental peace and health.
The main factor responsible for noise pollution is the growing number of vehicles in the city. We see a myriad vehicles everyday, honking, causing noise as well as air pollution. Lack of patience in the slow moving traffic leads to drivers honking and even yelling at each other.
Construction work and factories are another major polluting factors. More of machines and less of human labour has also resulted in a grinding, crushing, clanking, cacophony.
As if all this wasn’t enough, the use of loudspeakers for announcements or for playing loud music at marriage functions or other processions only make matters worse.
Noise pollution is often ignored as its effects are seen to be milder. But the fact is, it hinders and gravely disrupts the routine life of people causing lack of sleep, headaches, anxiety irritation and overall lack of peace in the society.
To control this problem, strict rules should be framed and implemented. Establishing ‘no-honking’ zones and setting a time beyond which loudspeakers, noisy drillers, etc cannot be used will go a long way in bringing noise under control.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Jahnavi Shah