CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

My Experience: USA Trip Shishukunj

Riddhi Singhania, Class X D

Writing about our experiences during this ‘fantabulous’ trip can be quite frustrating for many, but for me…. My mind is overflowing with thoughts and memories…..
This trip to the US was my first international school trip which got me really very excited about it. I knew only a couple of students as my friends, but, well, soon all of us became a family. The journey from India to the US was unexpectedly not at all tiring and we did not even experience jet lag!
Our tour chaperon Rocky was a person who took good care of us, but, at the same time he was the one who we couldn’t stop laughing at, when he took us to see the Harry Potter World at Disney! Talking about Disney, I had a very exhausting day there waiting in the long queues. But now I find that worth it, because those queues gave us time to talk and know each other. Our wish to complete all the rides was wholeheartedly fulfilled by the fast passes at the Universal’s, where we had the time of our lives!
The best thing in our trip was the two days’ tour of the Kennedy Space Centre, where we got the chance to talk to and have lunch with an astronaut, have a shuttle launch experience and discover the littleness of our 
planet and the vastness of our exploration. However, the most fun-filled were the hours at the cocoa beach. It was not only the waves, but drying ourselves in the bus fumes was the most memorable part.
We had OH MY GOD tours of the dream universities MIT and Harvard by the students studying there, which literally made us feel we were studying there. And the heavenly falls of Niagara got us many pics to make our friends jealous. The cold weather inevitably led us having cold, and we soothed our throat with glasses of hot chocolate. The Broadway Theatre workshop brought out our ‘acting ka keeda’ and we had a nice time at the dazzling Times Square.

A very peculiar habit of the people living in the States is sharing their whole hearts with others, as if they’ve known us all their lives. Many people just casually wave at you, and, you have your friends staring at you, thinking, that you know those people! They are unlike the people we see in India, whose hearts are delighted by the honking sounds and who cross roads considering themselves superman. There I saw people stand patiently even if you break a washroom line at a crowded theme park!
The thing we missed the most was of course our home cooked food. It was now that we realised that the food we make a fuss about every day can be so very scrumptious. One can’t live only on pizzas for days. And French fries, I didn’t touch for at least a month! Heading back to India, we looked forward to a nice Indian meal and to keep safe in our hearts our happy memories together.
 Our US Capers
The first day we expected a jet lag
But so high our excitement was
That we set out with our bags on our back.
At Disney World
Even after waiting in long queues

We had mind-blowing fun even if the rides we did were few!
We launched our imagination
Explored galaxies around our shelter
When we spent two cool days
At NASA’s Kennedy Space Centre
At cocoa beach we came to know
What fun friends can have
In waves high and low
Then at Universal’s we lost ourselves
In fun ‘n frolic ‘n laughter
We did the Hulk, water rides,
And visited ever memorable Harry Potter world!
The tours of MIT and Harvard
Were the dream visits for us
And in the workshop for robotics
We could program a robo without a fuss!!

The visit to Niagara was amazing
It was heavenly what we saw
The beautiful falls forced us to say
We shan’t leave, at least not now!
Our last two days were in New York
We saw the Statue of Liberty and beautiful towers
But after the theatre workshop,
We actually felt like Broadway stars!
Now, after flying back to India
It’s the homework we will meet

But fortunately we will at last get mumma’s roti sabzi to eat!