CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Van Mahotsav

July 5 2024

Let’s plant a tree, let’s plant a hope for a better tomorrow’

With this thought in mind the students of pre- primary celebrated Van Mahotsav on July 05, 2024 in their own unique way. To highlight the day, the tiny Shishyans were dressed up in different shades of green. Various activities were conducted throughout the day.

Senior KG students expressed themselves on the importance of plants, how trees are helpful and how trees can be protected. The teachers enacted the ‘Chipko Movement’ and the children hugged trees and created ‘circles of protection’ in the school premises. The children of Junior KG made headbands, and our Nursery babies went for a nature walk to experience the beauty of nature.

At all levels varied art and craft activities were conducted. The cherry was the plantation drive organised by the school in which they participated happily.

The children enjoyed this event thoroughly. This event gave Shishyans the opportunity to learn the essence and importance of conserving nature.
