CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Model United Nations (MUN) Executive Board Training

May 8 2024

Model United Nations (MUN) training is essential for students interested in international relations, diplomacy, and debate. Over three days, participants engaged in simulations of United Nations committees, honing their negotiation, public speaking, and research skills. A delegation of 36 zealous Shishyans actively participated in the session mentored by facilitators from Skill-Sphere.

The first day of the MUN training focused on introducing participants to the structure and purpose of the Model United Nations. Sessions included an overview of the United Nations, an explanation of committee roles, and an introduction to parliamentary procedure. Facilitators guided research techniques, speech writing, and negotiation strategies. They were also told about the required soft skills to be an effective public speaker.

On the second day, a detailed orientation was given by Ms. Pranjali about the structure of The United Nations and the various committees it chairs. The participants delved into committee simulations and various possible committees were thought of. The prospective bureau members also discussed the possible theme for NC MUN.

The final day of the training culminated in a mock General Assembly session, where they simulated a session, implementing all the learnings of the day. The session provided a comprehensive overview of the executive board emphasizing the importance of diplomacy, negotiation, and cooperation in addressing complex international issues while effectively managing the delegates.

The three-day MUN training gave participants valuable insights into international diplomacy and negotiation. The bureau gained practical experience in research, public speaking, and consensus-building through committee simulations and a mock General Assembly. The session ended with personalized feedback by Mr. Prasad to every participant. Overall, the MUN training was a resounding success, empowering students to engage meaningfully with the complexities of the modern world.
