CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Shishyans Shine in DPS Rau MUN

April 7 2024

DPS Rau, in conjunction with MU20, hosted a dynamic Model United Nations conference from April 5-7, 2024. With enthusiastic participation from 42 students representing our school, the event was marked by spirited debates and diplomatic negotiations. Our delegation showcased exceptional talent, earning accolades including 1 Best Delegate, 2 Special Mentions, and 4 Verbal Mentions across various committees. These achievements underscore our students’ commitment to diplomacy, critical thinking, and global awareness. The conference served as a platform for fostering leadership skills and cultivating international understanding among young minds. Congratulations to all participants for their exemplary performance and dedication to constructive dialogue.

Name of student (s) Class Section Position/Medal
Harshit Sahu VIII A Best Delegate (UNFCCC)
Siddhant Sharma VII B Special Mention (UNFCCC)
Priyanshi Patel XII B Special Mention (UNSC)
Mishthi Ladha VIII B Verbal Mention (UNFCCC)
Samrth Goenka VI A Verbal Mention (UNFCCC)
Eva Sakunia XII B Verbal Mention (UNSC)
Suyash Jalan X A Verbal Mention (DISEC)
