CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

US Leaks

Debanshi Bansal, Class X D
Mind-boggling; this is what describes this trip. These 10 days made my eyes see a different part of the world, my mind experience the best of things out there and my heart was just on the edge, to come out of my mouth after seeing such beautiful and breathtaking things around me.
Our tour started with Orlando. Here we met our tour chaperon – Mr. Ajit Singh aka Rocky Sir. Here, our hotel though not so good, our spirits were high. Disneyworld was sheer bliss, I never knew such small things could make me so elated. The castle was stunning and the Disney characters were just so very cute. But the best part of Disneyworld was the fireworks, they were so so good that for a moment it felt like time had stopped. It was just electrifying to see the crackers burst. The different colours and patterns made in this was just so alluring that we dropped our cameras just to see them with our own eyes.
The two days of NASA inspired us to become a hero. The space goes as vast as our curiousness and will to explore. At NASA we saw different videos of various missions initiated like the Expedition to Mars or Moon or just building a specific kind of shuttle. These people failed, failed a hundred times yet they got up for the hundredth and one time to see if they would succeed. And they did succeed and the results are in front of our eyes. The interaction with an astronaut, Nicole Stott gave us an insight into how life inside a shuttle is.
The next day we went to Universals and I was like, OH MY GOD. The rides especially ‘the Hulk’ were exhilarating. But the best part was the HARRY POTTER WORLD. Being a Potterhead, it was a dream come true. Sipping butterbeer was like sipping stars, just going around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade left me gaping at the sights. The simulation ride in Hogwarts was so amazing and realistic that I felt I really was going around Hogwarts on a broomstick. One jarring incident was that in Olliavanders I got chosen for wand choosing ceremony. I had to perform spells to find the perfect wand for me and when I got the perfect one wind started blowing around me. I will go blabbering about Harry Potter world but I must move on.
Next we went to Boston. We just had half a day there and we visited Harvard and MIT. In MIT we had a robotics workshop in which we learnt about the functioning of robots. It was a real learning experience. The campus tour of MIT and Harvard gave us an insight into students’ life there. These universities are my dream universities for post-graduation and I hope to be studying there after 7-8 years.
Next we had a bus ride to Niagara which was very tiring, we reached the hotel at 2 in the night but it was worth it. Niagara falls were jaw-droppingly beautiful. As we went towards the falls on a cruise we thought we might freeze due to the cold water hitting our faces and hands. But seriously these falls were so very huge and galvanizing that I wasn’t able to move my eyes away from them.
Next we went to our last destination – New York. The spoiler in New York was the continuous rain. We went to the 100th floor in the One World observatory but we couldn’t see much around due to the clouds and fog. The UN headquarters were not like what I expected. There was nothing to see in there except, through a glass, the General Assembly hall. I was really disappointed by this but hey every trip has its ups and downs.
Further through the day we had a theatre workshop in Broadway. ‘All the world’s a stage’ so we can perform anywhere if we have the skill and will to do it. We had fun performing in groups to remake the Disney movies in our own way. Our group got Cinderella and we had fun doing that. The whole evening was dedicated to Times Square and I might just say it is the busiest and most crowded place I have ever seen. Even Mumbai would have shied away from Times Square. Due to the rain we wandered the whole place under umbrellas but the rain didn’t dampen our spirits.


The last day we went to the Statue of Liberty and it was as mighty as I had heard. A reminder to all Indians who wish to go to USA in the future; carry lots and lots of food with you because the food there is bland like what you get in a hospital. I mean how can someone live on pasta and fries the whole time! I am not going to touch junk food for a couple of months.