CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Trending Timelessness

Abhimanyu Sethia, Class IX-C  

Yesterday, in the school-bus, someone joked that a bookstore was the only evidence that people still did sensible things. This soon sparked a debate on the latest fads and senseless trends! When I talked about trends, some oldies popped up to list the recent trend of watching and assessing a movie only by its music and star-cast and some said that it was the meaningless songs which were unmelodious and discordant. Some witty ones said that shopping online was the new trend. Some indoctrinated ones said that if they are trends they are senseless and if they are sensible than they have to be timeless! Some philosophical ones said that trending is a cycle, simply because retro has to be the new trend. While some said that trend doesn’t matter, others with a contradictory opinion said that trends define a person. An example was cited to support their opinion – people wearing torn jeans were considered “poor” and now, thanks to the changing trends, they are considered “trendy.” Finally, some advised to go with the timeless because trend is an indulgence, an opulence, a luxury! In this opinionated debate, I had to have a say- True happiness lies in simply playing with the momentum!