CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

The Triangle Strikes Again

Vidhi Dev, Class X A

It was an amazing day, full of fun and frolic. We all stood aghast to see a strange flying object over our heads. We started guessing what it was. Of course, everyone’s first guess was that it was a UFO. But the object didn’t really look like what we had imagined UFO’s to be. It looked more like an airplane but it was covered with rust and seaweed. We were all curious to know what it was.
Suddenly, the object started plummeting and landed somewhere nearby. We went around looking for it and found it parked in a vacant plot. We got a better look at it and became certain that it was an aircraft. We glanced at each other, confused about how it had ended up here. We started discussing theories when all of a sudden, Samir cried out, ‘Look! Someone’s coming out of the plane!” We turned our attention to the aircraft and saw two figures emerging from it.
We let out a collective gasp when we saw who it was. The woman had fair skin and short brown hair and we immediately recognized her as Amelia Earhart, whom we had studied about in school. We were all dumbfounded. No one had found Ms. Earhart’s airplane! Besides, the journey was decades ago, she ought to be dead by now. We started asking Ms. Earhart and her co-pilot questions and they seemed as confused as we were.
Once Ms. Earhart realized where she was, she told us her story, “I remember waking up in the middle of the ocean inside my plane. But the surprising thing was that the plane was floating! We recognized our location as near the coast of Florida or near the Bermuda Triangle. So we tried to fly to the States but we came here instead. I have no explanation for that!”
All of us were awe-struck. We had heard about the mysterious happenings near the Bermuda Triangle but this time, we were able to see it for ourselves! An expedition that had been lost decades ago had come back in the twenty-first century. What a miracle!