CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

The Pandemic

Author: Anya Jhavar, Class VI D+E

In January, a dark phase of the human civilization approached
In the disease’s hand even the powerful people got controlled.
Everybody was terrified from young to old,
Because now they were in a dangerous hold.

Schools were shut, offices were closed,
All the people started their new lives at homes.
It was a difficult situation,
And was beyond people’s imagination.

Scientists were busy finding a way to cure this disease,
The pain it inflicted, they wanted to cease.
The good thing which came out was that the Earth was healing,
From the chemicals with which for ages it had been dealing.

So, let us hope that this pandemic vanishes from the Earth,
And everybody is overflowed with laughter and mirth.