CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

That Sound was Yours

Author: Nyasa Kamargaonkar, Class IX A

What was the first sound you heard?
Wasn’t it the lovely bells jingling;
calling out your name?
Wasn’t it the silent water gushing forward;
And the sweet breeze with scented petals aloft;
all calling out your name?

It was a voice of care and love, and faith amass;
Cuz it knew you would come;
for you dreamt so well.

Then this little parasite wondered and walked on that perianth path;
trying to squeeze off everything there was to love,
‘What if’ I never could;
‘What if’ it was never mine?
But love, why wasn’t it
‘What if’ I could?

Love, you wouldn’t have been called so lovingly if it never was yours;
but it is,
This hollow doubt came to hinder and
you hid away, unwilling to look this way.

Dear, you are worthy of every ounce of love and bliss;
so don’t wonder, ‘what if?’
Remember, you heard the first sound;
The sound that belonged only to you.