CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Aaryaman Garg Wins two Gold Medal in the Indore District Shiko Kai Karate Championship 2024

July 12 2024

It gives us immense pleasure to share that Aaryaman Garg  of Class I C won two gold medals in the district level karate tournament organised by the Seiko  Kai Karate Institute, India.  He won one medal in the kata form of karate and the other in fighting. The championship was held on 8th July  2024 at  G.D. Goenka Public School, Indore. 


The Shishukunj family congratulates Aaryaman on his remarkable achievement and wishes him all the best for his future endeavours.
