CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Aarav and Aavya Jain Shine in the Indore District Shiko Kai Karate Championship 2024

June 24 2024

It gives us immense pleasure to share that Aarav Jain of Sr. KG Pink won a silver medal and Aavya Jain of Sr. KG Blue won a bronze medal in the Kumite form of karate in the Shiko Kai Karate Championship 2024. The championship was held on 28th January 2024 at Bal Gopalam School, Indore.

The Shishukunj family congratulates Aarav and Aavya on their remarkable achievements and wishes them greater success in their future championships.
