CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Session by Dr. Sanyam Bharadwaj

April 13 2024

Keeping Abreast of the Changes Proposed by CBSE

Under the aegis of the Indore Sahodaya School Complex , Shishukunj was delighted to invite with Dr. Sanyam Bharadwaj, Controller of Examination, CBSE Delhi to host a special session for the Principals of leading schools of the city.

Principals of over 70 schools attended this much awaited session in which Dr. Bharadwaj spoke on the New Reforms in the Education System  . He also threw  light on the changes and challenges which have been introduced by CBSE for the academic session 2024-25.

All the participants found this session very enriching as it clarified several doubts which they had regarding the implementation of changes in the new session.

The school is extremely grateful to the Indore Sahodaya School Complex for giving it an opportunity to host such a prestigious session.
