CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Narayani Tiwari Wins First Prize in Elocution and Second Prize in Classical Singing

July 10 2024

We are happy to share that Narayani Tiwari of Class II B bagged the first prize in elocution and second prize in Hindustani vocal (classical singing) at ‘Shree Nrityanjali’ Sanskritik Mahotsav. It was the 2nd all India national dance and music art contest and festival held at Ujjain. The contest was organised by India Art and Culture Foundation, New Delhi under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture on 3rd May 2024.

Narayani Tiwari also won the second prize in classical singing at a national level classical singing competition’ Kalakriti Conclave’ 2024 which was organised by the Heritage Foundation of Art and Culture at Bal Bhavan, Bengaluru on 2nd June 2024.

The Shishukunj family is indeed proud of Narayani’s numerous achievements. We wish her grander success in the future as well!
