CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Library Week Celebrated by Young Bibliophiles

April 22 2024

A book is a safe haven for the growing, inquisitive intellect of young readers. Forever on a never-ending quest to instill the love of the written word in the fertile minds of Shishyans, the International Library Week was celebrated for Classes 6th and 7th. The voracious bookworms jumped headlong into myriad activities. Creativity took wings and great teamwork was observed. Amazingly well read, Shishyans came up with astounding scores for most of the competitions. 

At Shishukunj, reading is never a chore, a duty. The library is a place which students keep visiting multiple times a week. This week, with  glittering eyes, delighted squeals and excited whispers, students participated in activities like Book Scavenger hunt, Book Trivia Quiz, Bookmark making Competition, Thank the Librarian and Library Soft board decoration. Students were also shown the nuances of cataloguing and placement of books. Winners were announced for various competitions but the best takeaway for students was discovering some unexplored genres and revisiting some much loved authors.
