CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Inter House Competition : IMPACT 

July 20 2024

“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.” The Inter House TED talk competition embodied this spirit as the participants from the various houses came forward to deliver their mantra for personal growth to their classmates on July 19th, 2024. 

The competition aimed to inspire and encourage students to be the best version of themselves, eliminate all negativities from life, and unveil the mask of a superficial being to realize one’s true identity. Each speech was delivered with utmost passion with a perfect blend of expression and finesse. 

Each person brought in a unique perspective backed by personal experience creating a diverse array of thoughts and expressions for the audience to think and reflect about. The judges had the difficult task of judging the best speakers – each being equally immaculate and well thought out. 

The event was ably judged by :

  • Mrs. Richa Tiwari : Dean Academics , Junior Wing
  • Mrs. Preeti Makhijani : Senior English Educator : Shishukunj North Campus
  • Ms. Shubhi Sancheti :  Alumni of the school ( Batch of 2024 )

The results were  as follows :

House Position

  • I               –     Dhyanchand House
  • II             –     Devi Ahilya House
  • III            –     Kalam House
  • IV            –     Lata Mangeshkar House

Individual Result

  • I               –     Ms. Sia Rawat
  • II             –    Ms. Shreeja Banerjee
  • III            –    Mast. Akmal Bunglowala
  • III            –    Ms. Asmi Vyas

The event proved to be a very inspiring and enriching experience and participants of all the houses need to be congratulated for their exemplary performance. 
