CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Hindi Handwriting and Listening Skills Event

April 25 2024

On 25th April and 1st May 2024, the students of Sr. KG to Class V embarked on a linguistic adventure exploring the richness of the Hindi language through captivating activities. Mirroring their previous language sessions, students immersed themselves in experiences tailored to deepen their Hindi proficiency and cultural understanding.

The day unfolded with an enthralling storytelling session in Hindi, igniting students’ imaginations and nurturing their language skills. Following this immersive journey, they diligently tackled a comprehension worksheet, applying their understanding of the narrative to reinforce language acquisition.

Transitioning seamlessly to the second activity, students of Classes I to V embarked on a quest for exquisite Hindi handwriting. With precision and finesse, they delicately copied a text, celebrating the artistry of written expression in Hindi.

These activities not only expanded their linguistic horizons but also fostered a deep appreciation for Hindi language and culture. Through engaging experiences like these, students continue to journey towards linguistic fluency and cultural immersion.
