CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Celebrating Innovation: Sarvagya Khasgiwala Develops AI Chatbot to Enhance Student Learning

July 12 2024

Heartiest Congratulations to  Sarvagya Khasgiwala, a student of Class 8,  who  has independently developed an AI chatbot designed to assist students with their educational needs. This initiative not only showcases his coding skills and understanding of artificial intelligence but also his drive to leverage technology to enhance student learning experiences.

This achievement is particularly noteworthy as it embodies the core values of Growth Valley Community — Innovative Thinking, Ethical Growth, and Collaborative Learning. Sarvagya’s ability to independently conceive and execute this project highlights his potential as a leader in technological innovation and problem-solving.

Well done Sarvagya, we are proud of you . May your journey into this exciting field continue and may you face success at every juncture .