CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Assembly Class VI : Theme – How to be a Better Me !

June 27 2024

Assembly Class VI 

June 27, 2024

Theme : How to be a Better Me !

In a race against time, striving towards an impossible ideal of perfection, we tend to lose touch with our own inner self. The eager beavers of Class VI held the audience spellbound as they traversed the journey to know, accept, celebrate and improve one’s own self. Working with the very relevant assembly topic of ‘How to Be a Better Me’, they walked their peers through the journey of self-discovery and betterment. Learning to rejoice in their own as well as others’ success is an essential life skill. Poem ‘A better me I’d better be’ caught the essence of what student life is all about. A fitting finale was presented as a flawless rendition of a song ending with ‘Just be a better me’
