CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Artful Adventures

May 1 2024

4th May 2024 marked an enriching day as students participated in tailored activities, fostering creativity and engagement across all classes.

Quality Circle Time encouraged students of Class III to engage in collaborative discussions, enhancing communication skills and empathy. Through interactive activities, they learned the importance of teamwork and mutual respect.

In Class IV, Warli Art provided a glimpse into India’s rich cultural heritage, allowing students to express themselves creatively through intricate patterns and motifs. They immersed themselves in the art form, exploring its history and techniques while unleashing their artistic flair.

Madhubani Art in Class V offered students a chance to explore the vibrant world of traditional Indian art. Through guided instruction, they learned the intricacies of Madhubani painting, incorporating symbolic motifs and vibrant colors to create stunning artworks. This activity not only nurtured their artistic skills but also promoted mindfulness and relaxation.

Overall, students enthusiastically embraced these activities, showcasing their talent and enthusiasm for learning while gaining valuable insights and skills essential for holistic development.
