CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Activities for Shishyans – Sr. KG

April 4 2024

The joy and excitement of our little Shishyans was at its peak on the last working day before the summer break. Dressed in cool colourful casual clothes, they participated in an activity wherein they recited rhymes that were taught in the month of April. Children were also encouraged to present a story or song of their choice. Our students not only enjoyed presenting rhymes, stories and songs on the stage but also cheered for their friends.

The educators and our tiny tots had a discussion on the importance of reading story books and how bookmarks are used to mark pages while reading. Students added that they would enjoy reading story books with their parents during the long summer vacation. Thereafter, the Shishyans created lovely bookmarks by drawing and colouring different summer items of their choice.
