October 18 2019
The 8th Shri Jugrajji Mehta English Literary Word Power Competition was a wonderful journey through the world of WORDS! It was an enriching engagement digging up the myriad possibilities of words and understanding the mammoth role they play in communication. Young minds were enthralled by the spectacular show surging into limelight a wonderful assortment of fantastic words.
As always the word power competitions organized by the school give a great platform to young learners to familiarize themselves with myriad English words, their correct application, synonyms, antonyms and much more.
There were 36 participants of Classes VII and VIII from 18 schools of the city. The competition was entirely based on the glossary of 500 words. All participants first went through a Preliminary Round based on general English, and on the basis of the scores achieved, the top 6 teams were selected for the final round. The Shishukunj team represented by Atiksh Sharma VII G and Vanshika Jha VIII A achieved the top scores but being the host school did not participate in the final event. The final level was won
by :
The wonderful job done by the anchors perfected the whole event. Their smart, lucid and witty approach of interaction and appreciable sense of humour stood out like a breath of fresh air for the participants and audience even during the most perplexing and unnerving moments.
The students who anchored the event were :
Finally the event concluded with the vote of Thanks and the National Anthem.