CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Lost in a Labyrinth

Author: Kritika Khandelwal, Class IX F

I stood there, all alone,
Wondering if I’ll ever come to be known;
Tears cascading down my face,
Facing my worst fears with grace;
I stood scared in the dim alcove,
The thought of not having a future drove.

The world stood in front of me,
My choice – unshackled like a bird, or entangled, I see;
But I hesitated,
Lost in a labyrinthine path I created;
Would I make out of this?
Soon find the way to bliss?

I had to do it, break free from the cage,
And make my mark on the world’s page.

Hope arose, striking my mind,
It was up to me to bind;
I showed my face to everyone,
And the beautiful sun shone.

For the first time, I felt elation,
No need for vacillation;
I was out there,
No more scare,
No fears, no tears;
Now that I’ve done it, planted the longing seed,
It appears much less daunting than before, I concede.