CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Let this Puppet Be

Author: Nyasa Kamrgaonkar, Class IX A

Anger is raging up to me,

Choking my throat to breathe,

Holding strings;

Controlling thoughts and words and my dos

I shall beg to no extent to be free;

For sake, free the shackle and 

let me be,

Cease the guns, the arrows, and the swords,

I shall not survive to hurt anymore

Loosen the strings, let this puppet free,

No longer shall I be a puppet,

I am human so

 let me be,

Hurting ‘n hating those I love,

Oh God how to tell I hate my love,

In the midst of this chaos,

If the likes of god exist,

Send a ray and set me free,


let this puppet be.