CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239


Nandini Pillai, Class X B

I was born with a faith,
To cure all maladies.
I was ensconced with a hope,
To destroy your tragedies.
I rest in your hands,
I hope you are aware,
For I shall be difficult,
To restore.
If you do not handle, me with care,
I was supposed, to put an end to war.
Gods named me Humanity.
Now all my wounds are sore.
Since you were mistaken to believe,
I was insanity.
I tried really hard to gift mankind with peace,
But oh! War was too sluttish
And spilled cold water on me.
And now I stand before you,
Filled with sorrow.
For I know your intent,
May destroy tomorrow.