CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

He For She

Anushka Mimani, Class X B

People say it’s a dark, dark world,
People say, don’t leave the girl,
Alone at night.
But boys… they’re alright.
People say, “Girls, it’s not safe.”
“Get home before it’s too late.”
“But boys, you’re okay,
You can stay up late today.”
But why can’t a girl stay out to party?
Why can’t she walk alone in an alley?
Why’s this place not safe for girls anymore?
Why is there so much discrimination?
Why for a girl no job no education?
Is this your definition,
Of a girl in a democratic nation?
This problem won’t just fly away,
It’s imperative to find a way,
We’ll have to do so much more,
To wipe this evil from its core.
A girl is also a human being,
So stop just sitting and seeing.
Teach the man not to neglect a girl.
Give her love, give her respect,

Let her be heard.