CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239


Author: Disha Mehta, Class VIII G

Today my best friend and I took another stride,

And walked down the aisle with love not crime.

Locking hands and heart together,

Gathering all from near and yonder.

Today we declare

A love so rare

Beyond human reasoning,

And above every treachery,

Different from what others share,

That gives no way to tear.

Today I take my place in you

To fill the space like no one could

With nothing but ‘GRACE’

Becoming one in all

Today I remain

Your one and only flame

Blazing hot along each TRAIL

Burning hurt and all its PAIN

Keeping ‘past’ where it belongs

As it’s for you I will always burn.