CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239


Naqiya Barnagarwala, Class VII B

Some are big,
Some are small,
Some you remember,
Some are lost.
Some come true,
Others do not,
Some are important,
Others you can live without.
It has varieties that vary,
Some are beautiful,
Some are scary.
Dreams are amazing,
Not only at night,
But also in daytime.
Some you like,
Some not at all,
If you want to have a good dream,
Dream on and on and on…


Oh Nature, Oh Nature!
You’re the beauty untold
More precious than gold.
In the Nature lies peace
It protects the everlasting trees.
Nature helps us in every way,
But now is in danger
And needs our care.
Nature is beautiful superfluity
But is destroyed because of man’s cruelty.
Humans can’t live without Nature,
And all its creatures, but
Nature can live without
Humans and their factions.
Save Nature because
Nothing is more worth
Than Nature on Earth

Which has given us birth.