CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Digital Technology and India

Aura Pandey, Class XI A

The digital world has not only entered but also radically changed our lives. With many complaints of computers slowing down our brains, it persists to be an undeniable fact that the digital world has made our lives infinitely easier.
From the room-wide Charles Babbage machines to the pocket-sized smartphone in every child’s hand, computers are seen saving us a lot of time, effort above all, creating virtual bonds between each of its users.
Now that this new evolving technological life has been widely accepted and loved, it is time to see how it can profit the lives of its million users. Because of smartphones and the internet, even a child has access to every drop of knowledge ever found. Businessmen have found new and more efficient ways of doing business. From connecting people to placing orders, from looking for a job to displaying your talent worldwide, digital technology makes it all possible at the click of the mouse.
The only, yet the most predominant demerit of the digital world is that one without the technical know-how or a pocket heavy enough to afford it, are bereft of its benefits. This is a major roadblock in using this tool for development of India, a country where many struggle to have food in their stomach every day.
According to me, to use digital technology for the progress of our country and its citizens is to make people in the rural and remote areas aware of it and its wonders. The right kind and appropriate training is all that the talented and eager youth needs.

Digital technology and its evolving successors are the key to every door at the top of each flight of stairs the country will climb.