CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Dear Dad

Author: Sia Tuteja, Class X B

Dear Dad,
They say I am the younger version of you
But can I be as good as you?
When I am just a symphony’s note, can I be its final note?
When I am just a pearl, will I ever be the flawless one,
Just like you?

Dear Dad,
They say I look like you
But will I ever be a showstopper like you?
Will I beat the in-and-out beauty you hold?
Will I ever match the energy you have and the love that you pour?
Will I be brave enough to collect myself just like you do every day
without expressing yourself a single day?

Dear Dad,
I will today and forever
try to be the younger you
just as they say.