CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239


Author: Niyati Mahajan, Class VIII E

What is black?

A colour or absence of colour?


I am BLACK. I love my darkness in the night. I am the essence of art,

The one who brings all colours together and not tear them apart.

I am in the black hole as it says and polished shoes of children and businessmen.

I am the colour to be handled with care as I am present in the universe everywhere.

In the eyeballs it’s I who’s there, allowing all to see the world out there.

One might wonder at the arrival of beauty and gladness of the sun

Shining bright due to my calmness at night.

I am the fear present in a dark room,

I am the smoke of a burning fire,

I am the worst thing that can ever happen,

I am a mystery and symbolize the depth of life.

I am BLACK, the colour of life.