CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Know Us

The Shishukunj International School, Indore is a Co-educational English Medium Senior Secondary School operational from the academic session 2005-06. It is an affiliate of the Shishukunj International Society, London, which was founded by Late Mr. Indubhai Davey. The Shishukunj International Society, founded in 1942, operates in many countries including UK, USA, Kenya and Sweden, engaged in child welfare and education. The Society, while having a global outlook, aims to enshrine Indian values in its educational programmes.
Indore’s tryst with the ‘Shishukunj way’ began in the year 1999 with the setting up of the Shishukunj Pre-School. The Shishukunj International School, Indore follows the success of Shishukunj Pre School, that humbly re-defined nursery education through our innovative approach. Shishukunj Pre School produced excellent results in terms of increasing happiness levels and bringing about multi-dimensional development in young children – a fact vouched for by many enlightened parents. The Shishukunj International School, Indore is a different school of thought. It is a humble effort to evolve a significant education system and institution where every action and thought is student oriented, where personal attention to every student is ensured, where exposure, experimentation and innovation are the key words in the school philosophy and where “learning by doing” is the technique followed. Here, the obvious focus is the smart shift from “developing memory skills” to “knowledge management skills” so that in coming times students can learn, access, index, retrieve, analyse and use information. The school endeavours to prepare students for life with a mind that reasons, the right attitude and a spirit of goodness backed by solid academic excellence.
Shishukunj aims at giving a safe nurturing environment wherein students imbibe values and learn to strive towards excellence.
With individual attention paid to each student, the school strives to live up to its mission: Let Every Bud Bloom. Towards this end, it gives equal opportunity to all students to blossom and bloom at a pace and time which is most conducive to their personalities . Students showcase their talents in multiple areas on multiple platforms  throughout the year. The school  has a  very diverse student body, yet it respects each students’ individuality and works towards a cohesive and harmonious whole.
A new initiative was started by Shishukunj in 2022 under the name of ‘Sambal’, a Hindi word which means ‘support’. This initiative was started with the aim of extending extra academic help to students at a pace which is conducive to their learning . Each student learns at a different pace and a few students need extra time to grasp the concepts explained in class. During the sambal classes, the educators revisit the concepts to ensure that they are well understood. As the number of students enrolled in each Sambal class is limited, personalized attention is given and queries and doubts are solved on a one to one basis. Students who enrolled in the Sambal classes during the last academic session have shown an improvement in their grades. Moreover, sitting in a class with their concepts very clear adds to their confidence as well. They tend to be more interactive in class as the ‘ fear of not being able to understand’ is eliminated. We are sure this new initiative will give the much needed support or Sambal to our Shishyans

Based on their academic performance Shishukunj awards scholarships to students of Classes XI and XII amounting to almost 1 crore. These scholarships motivate and encourage the students to put in their very best and also act as an inspiration for their juniors. Scholarship is given to the students excelling in sports at National Level.

For the year 2023-24

  • 69 Shishyans of Class XI were awarded a Merit Scholarship in the range of Rs. 80,000 T Rs. 1,10,000
  • 65 Shishyans of Class XII were awarded a Merit Scholarship in the range of Rs. 80,000 T Rs. 1,10,000
  • 10 Shishyans awarded a Sports Scholarship in the range of Rs. 80,000 T Rs. 1,10,000

Shri Indubhai Davey Memorial Excellence Award:

Students who secure admission in any of the following institutes or gain a good rank in any of the following entrance examinations after passing Class XII, will receive an amount of ₹ 25,000/- (₹ Twenty-five thousand only) as Shri Indubhai Davey Memorial Excellence Award:

  • NEET
  • BITS, Pilani
  • St. Stephen’s College, Delhi
  • CLAT
  • IPM
  • I.I.Sc.
  • CEPT
  • NID
  • NDA
  • S.R.C.C./L.S.R. of DU
  • IVY League Universities of US

Fee subsidy is also provided to parents who face an economic crisis.



Following the Shishukunj Philosophy of Let Every bud bloom, the school reaches out in every possible way to help students with special needs.

  • Graded papers are prepared for them for each examination, so that they can learn and be assessed at a comfortable pace
  • Specially curated worksheets are made available to them
  • Oral assessments are conducted frequently
  • The assessment of their work is relaxed, making every possible effort to let them blossom and bloom at their own pace