CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

A Stitch in Time

Author: Avanti Piparsania, Class VII E

‘Stitch in Time Saves Nine’ basically means to refrain from being lazy, whether in work, studies, or life. For example: If there is a stitch coming off from a cloth and we stitch it at that time then we could prevent it from tearing further.

The same principle also applies in our life. If we procrastinate and delay our work, we would create problems for ourselves and the work would increase day by day and then we will feel burdened as the days pass. If we complete our work in time on a regular basis, we will never feel burdened or stressed because of it. 

The people who are disciplined and focus on every single problem, even if it is small, are more successful than others.