CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

A Dream on Mars

Author: Asmi Kumat, Class VII E

The best astronauts – Darcy Smith and Claudia Brown were again trying to get to Mars. They had their oxygen cylinders and heavy suits on their body. “Are we really going to walk on Mars?” “Yes, a big yes, Darcy,” replied Claudia. The year was 2030.

For over 10 years both Darcy and Claudia had been researching about Mars. As they landed, they felt their dream had come true and both were ready for experiments and inspections. They were there looking for any clue they could find. 

“Look I have found something!” said Darcy. “What is it?” Claudia rushed inside a little cave and found Darcy staring at a human skeleton. She could also see a wall on which were inscribed four words….


That was just frightening. What justice, when justice, how justice. Couldn’t find that. The thing which was annoying was – ‘What are we going to do?’ They thought for a moment—Justice to a skeleton, why? Just then they saw a note written on an iron block in golden letters-

How to get back home:

First take the shining book from the cave and lay it on the ground. Open it to page 11 and write your love to me and mention the names of your beloved family. Then press your finger on the page and throw away all the pages out of the planet except the page on which you have written.

Your great-great grandfather.

This was highly mysterious. Whose great-great grandfather? Why did he want to get his grandchild home. Where was home? Now they were confused but not waiting a single minute, they took the shining book and turned to page 11 as given in the instructions. And to their astonishment, the page had been filled up! They also found a fingerprint, pressed in blue ink. They threw all the pages except the one on which something was written, maybe that would be love written to the grandfather and the mention of the names of someone’s family members. Whose family? “Maybe that person’s who was lying in the cave.” said Darcy. But what justice? OH! It was so confusing but just then a loud crackling sound came from a door which opened near them. 

An old man came out and said “Hello”. It was indeed shocking for the astronauts, to find an old man living on Mars.

It was like both Darcy and Claudia had been waiting for this moment but they didn’t actually know! They were welcomed into the magnificent house with some hot soup and creamy refros. Refros was a dish, as the old man informed them, a common food that they would make almost every day in the evening. “This would keep us warm and healthy and keep us fit”, the old man said. After refreshing themselves, they finally asked the old man’s name and how he lived on Mars. 

He replied, “My name’s Luis Williams and I live here because my ancestors, who lived billions of years ago, found some technology which could help us survive underground on Mars.”

“Sir Luis, was the person whose skeleton lay in the cave, your grandchild?” asked Claudia. “Dear girl, yes, she – Lauren was my granddaughter, she met with a storm from the sun and died. But it was written in our family book that if anyone in our family dies, we would have to wait for someone to come and give the skeleton to us, we couldn’t ourselves take the skeleton to revive our family member.” 

“Does that mean you can bring your granddaughter back to life?” asked both of them in union. “Yes, and now please give me the skeleton,” said Luis. As he revived the girl, the skeleton gleamed and her stylish hair, beautiful dress and overwhelming smile shone brightly. She came back to life.

But that moment soon disappeared and Darcy and Claudia were bought back to earth by some kind of strong force. Though numerous unanswered questions remained in Darcy and Claudia’s minds, they never ever forget this memorable moment in their lives!