CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

A Day Out in the Forest

Selvi Kataria, Class XI E

One fine day
On my bed I lay
Gazing at the deep blue sky
Thinking of the mountains high
Floated across my mind some scenes
About life in the forest’s greens
Oh! Life is so very carefree
In the care of the gigantic tree
Covered in leaves, a tribal kid
To the old farmland, goodbye he bid
I couldn’t’ tell what they said
Maybe to get me some bread
Or ‘You disturbed our nap’
Or ‘Just kill her!’ perhaps
Next were children with untidy hair
Crossing a river with utmost care
Taking careful steps on the strong branch
To reach across to the cattle ranch
Near a pond was a group of ten
Among whom, two resembled fishermen
Forever seemed to extend their wai
Unless a fish got attracted to their bait
No grief of school or office work
The relief showed in their relaxed smirk
A voice called out ‘Stop daydreaming, sweetheart!’

It was my mom and I woke up with a start.