CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Night Time

Author: Shubh Nagda, Class VII B

The time opposite to day,
When people, on beds, their bodies lay.
The most relaxing time is night,
Because there is comfort, with minimal light.

Night time is when arises the moon,
Ya! That place where we want to go soon!
We sleep but wake in our dreams,
Where we witness the shiny light beams.

Stars also are visible to our naked eyes,
Which look like individual grains of rice.
Except dogs, there is no disturbance,
Only sleep is the thing that we sense.

At this time, one should get a proper sleep,
And to seek goals in our dreams, we should leap.
And then when the stars and moon, away huddle,
We see the sun and the clouds scuddle.