CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Who is a Father?

Author: Aarvee Mishra, Class VI E

Happy Father’s Day dad!
One who makes me glad.
Sad and grief hereby burn,
Without expectations in return.

A father is one who inspires
He loves me with his entire heart,
Promising we shall not be apart
For we have an eternal bond
One that will never die,
no matter how hard one tries.

You’re the butter on my bread,
The water in my glass.
The beads on my thread,
The teacher of my class.

Your love is as long as the Nile, it’s always pleasant to see you smile
You provide bounty and joy, you’re the one to make me enjoy
You teach me how to loosen up, so that my life doesn’t go bananas
One thanks isn’t enough, and millions aren’t either.

To end it up, sum it all
You’re the one who breaks the fall
My soul says to you
You are the best dad in the universe.