CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Mother’s Day

Author: Aradhya Rathi, Class VI F

The day for which everyone waits,
It’s mother’s day so come on, decorate the plates
and bring your mates!!
What should I gift?
Think, Think, Think,
Oh, I got the idea of the gift in an eye’s blink.

It was not perfumes,
Because they can cause high fire flames.
It was not a video created on my laptop,
As it felt as if I was giving her a mix of mop and cop.

The simplest idea ever,
Have you not guessed it,
Oh, that means you have gifted never.
It was a bouquet of flowers!

Flowers, which are so beautiful,
Would make my mother’s day delightful.
Looking at it would be so blissful,
When my mother would look joyful.

My mother was so happy when I gave her the bouquet,
She felt as if I had bought her a Chevrolet.
Mother’s Day was very exciting,
Being with my family was so thrilling.

Mother thanked me a lot,
So, I also created a WhatsApp bot.
When the day was over,
Life went on as fast a Range Rover.