CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Miracle Workers

Author: Anahita Malviya, Class XI C

The sun shines and she wakes up
Her day of strenuous work begins
She is a wife, daughter, sister, mother, friend
But most importantly she is her own person

Every day she is judged
Doesn’t fit society’s beauty pageant laws
Short, tall, dark, fair
Skinny or chubby, she is beautiful in her own way

Her scars show her battle marks
She fights the misogynists everyday
Rising above their petty gender remarks/ norms
She proves her vehement disregard

Faith makes her laugh everyday
When she bleeds she is ridiculed
Impure, she is pronounced
Drums of joyous festivities can be heard from miles away when she misses it

Her dreams aren’t bubbles that can be popped
They are diamonds, hard to break and worth millions
Don’t tie her down because your culture says so
Maybe she is fulfilling the dreams of many

A different kind of crazy
A bewitching smile
Dancing around in the monstrous world
She is a woman, I say.