CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Workshop on NEP 2020 and Art Integration

February 5 2021

A workshop on Art Integration and Learning and NEP 2020 was held in the school on February 04 and 05, 2021 . The resource person was Mrs. Smitha Matai, a certified MyNEP ambassador and English Language trainer for the Teach India Programme.

Mrs. Smitha Matai began the workshop with a brief introduction about the
transformational reforms proposed by the Ministry of Education through NEP 2020. The new education policy which replaces the 1986 NEP focuses on experiential learning and critical thinking thus ensuring ‘holistic education’ of the students. She emphasized that if focuses on the 04 Cs : Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication and Creativity. Various aspects of the NEP were explained in great detail by Mrs. Matai. The Power Point Presentation and the real life examples givenby her, held the attention of the educators throughout.

Mrs. Matai who has been training teachers, parents and students across the country and abroad shared her experiences with the educators. She made the workshop a lively session by conducting activities to show how art can be incorporated in the teaching of various subjects. The workshop was a great learning experience for the educators.
