CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Idle Work

Author: Mithran Ladhania, Class VI C

Arms and Legs were exhausted because Boss Brain had told them to run and work more than usual. They were sore, swollen to the size of ripe pumpkins. Such was also the situation of Blood Delivery Service, Mr Nose and the Lung twins. But there was one organ who hadn’t moved at all in those fifteen hours: Belly. He was simply sitting there with comfort, resting away to glory. The most irritated about this were the Arms.

“I bet Belly cannot do what we do for an hour,” said the Arms.

“And I suppose you can’t do what I do for mere minutes,” retorted Belly.

Legs now objected, “Do what, sit lazily like a lump on a log?”

The offended Belly did not reply. It was too angry to reply. So Legs and Arms decided to go on strike, refusing to work for the idle Belly.

Boss Brain thought it was a very foolish idea but they were young and juvenile, knowing about the ways of the body, he let it go. Blood Delivery Service and Mr Nose were too busy to think.

The strike was terrible. The owner of the body could not move. But it was not so for the Blood Delivery Service. The strike was news and news had only one purpose, to be spread. The news went viral (literally). Blood Delivery Service rushed around like a bullet train. It gave excess oxygen to the Kidneys and waste to Mr Nose. It could be summed up in one word – chaos.

But Belly was there to save the day. It wore its best suit and went to negotiate sense into Arms and Legs. It was good at that as he would convince them to consume food everyday. It told them about the work it did: digesting food, maintaining body momentum, etc. Arms and Legs felt stupid for causing such nuisance. They started working again and to Boss Brain’s relief, everything was fine once again.